«You, o Lord,
by grace were born
in my soul.»
(St. Camilla Battista Varano)

History of the Monastery

The history of our monastery has always been tied to the Varano family. It begins with the decision of John of Varano, the grandfather of Camilla, who reconstructed parts of the city walls. He instituted several religious communities along Camerino’s gates into the city.

On a mission

Church of St. Claire

La chiesa di S. Maria Nova dove era disposta, e che sviluppo aveva? Sappiamo che la dedicazione alla Vergine fu conservata in un primo tempo anche dalle Clarisse che successivamente la mutarono, ricordando in tal modo…

Choir stalls

The wooden choir stalls of the convent of Saint Clare of Camerino, were created by Domenico Indivini, who signed and dated his work in 1489. He is the same artist who created …

Museum of
St. Camilla